Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Factors that Determine Term Life Insurance Rates.

With term life insurance policy, you are provided with limited coverage for a period that you wish, usually between 10 to 20 years. Term term life insurance policy, is the most popular insurance policy in the country because it is the cheapest. However, there are different plans for different people. With this policy, you will not receive any payout when your term expires. Payouts are only made to the beneficiaries in case you pass on during the period that is covered by the term policy. The rates of the policy depend on a number of factors such as age and occupation. Taking the policy at a younger age entitles to you to much lower rates. This is because you are expected to live past the period of the insurance.

The total sum of the term life insurance can be difficult to calculate. While some policies may appear to cost more, the may actually be much cheaper when you consider the total cost of the plan. For instance, policies that are renewable every year may appear to cost more than those whose premiums remain constant throughout the years. However, when you look loser, you may find the level term policy may cost higher especially when it comes to renewing the policy at the end of the term. This is one reason why you have to be careful when choosing an insurance plan. In fact, it is recommended that you engage the services of a professional insurance broker to advise you on the cover that you should take.

There are different factors that affect the rate of the term life insurance plan. Some of these include the following:

a) Your physical health. The insurer will check your medical record to check you health history. If you have heart disease, you can get a policy but at much higher rates. If you have a terminal disease, it is unlikely that you will be offered a life insurance cover.

b) Your occupation and hobbies also matter. For instance, if you work in a company in the gas storage facility, you will be considered a high risk client. Also, if you are into high risk activities such as bungee jumping, mountain climbing, and sky diving, your rates are likely to go up.

c) The company will also check whether you smoke or not. Smokers are considered to be high risk clients as they are twice as likely to die as nonsmokers. This will therefore raise the rates of a smoker by 20 to 30 percent. Quitting smoking will help you get a lower term life insurance cover rate.

There are different types of term life covers that you can go for. However, all companies consider the above factors when coming up with a rate for you. You can enjoy lower rates by taking the initiate to live healthily, quit smoking and avoiding putting your life at risk through activities such as bungee jumping. This will help you secure a lower rate insurance plan.

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