Friday, April 24, 2009

FAMILY : Selecting Health Insurance

Health insurance at this time is not a foreign object again. Almost all banking institutions have a health insurance package.
However, there is a blunder on the part of the community about health insurance. Ie, the premiums we pay are considered as lost money. Fortunately, not all think so. Some of the people of Indonesia have started will be the importance of health insurance. In general, health insurance will bear the risks that we experienced in terms of health.

Cautious in choosing. Typically, for employees, private companies usually include the staff working in health insurance. In addition to the program Jamsostek (social security workers), not infrequently also included in the employee health insurance is selected according to company policy. For those who are civil servants (civil servants), are automatically enrolled in health insurance guarantees that the government is the PT Askes.

Meanwhile, the family members that have not been protected by health insurance, should not be overlooked. Should include in the health insurance program that according to the needs of families. Because many insurance companies that bid with an interesting, not to select any insurance that does not comply with the demand.

Before the drop option, first learn some alternative health insurance bids. Consider the mature peeved not to be disappointed because the product does not fit their needs. Among them, know how long the insurance company has been long standing and reputation in handling the insurance members. Such as ease of handling and payment of claims.

Do not hesitate when the dig information from the health insurance products that will be selected. From this information, you will be able to obtain descriptions of the capital strength of insurance companies are. And the most important is to choose the package that truly fit the needs of your family. For example, check on claims confinement if your pregnant wife, or check the claims of compulsory immunization in the small first year. With carefulness in work, you can get optimum benefit from the health insurance of your choice.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


There are many myths surrounding the purchase of life insurance policies that you should know about. Life insurance policies are not sold by agents. They are only advertised by them.

You must know that only stupid people will not buy life insurance. For many people, buying life insurance is the act selfless to ensure that their needs are met even when they are no longer around to meet the needs of their own. With life insurance, you can breathe your last with a smile, knowing that your family will be good is to treat.

Guidance to help you choose the best coverage for your life insurance is to imagine the worst case scenario. Although it is true that thinking negatively can be depressive, it is realistic to prepare for any natural event that can cause pain to the person loved. A good life insurance can cover even the most natural of events.

Life insurance policies have different premium rates. Term life insurance is more murahpremi because the time period they are active. Whole life insurance is the most expensive in terms of premium because the water came from the mouth of the benefits.

When you understand the vocabulary of life insurance, you reduce the opportunity to get scammed. For many people, the confusion they experience more of life insurance lies in the gibberish language associated with it. You can remove the clear cobwebs of life insurance to make the Glossary of life insurance on the internet.

Life insurance is primarily targeted at families where the husband is the only source of income for families. Some people said that if there are several sources of income in the family, there's really no need to get insurance. If you have more than one person to fix it in the family, health insurance will get your best bet, they do so well.

Deh healthy in other aspects of their lives may be more affordable premium notes. He was a smoker the risk of death for young, affordable or cheap premisering is not available. You can get cheap life insurance as a smoker with the purchase of life insurance early.

Today is the people who take out insurance to cover the funeral costs. Last cost life insurance is designed to ensure that those who give thanks on the financial burden related to place you in the land. To end the cost of life insurance, you do not need to worry about being a medical examination because of circumstances in accordance with your life after your death.

Monday, April 13, 2009


One of the most revolutionary features of the Check 21 environment is the development of new image-based depository services for corporations that receive check payments. These services enable a business to capture check images and MICR line information and then to deliver check deposits electronically to a Check 21-enabled banking service provider. The supporting technology can be provided through desktop scanners and imaging software. Alternatively, a business that employs an image-capture system, for processing mailed check remittances, can create electronic cash letters for transmission to its bank.

Already offered by several bank and non-bank providers, these new image corporate depository services should become more widely available in 2005. For any business thinking about moving to these new depository solutions, image quality assurance will be a key factor in evaluating product and service providers. In this article, we examine why image quality is critical in the Check 21 environment and how image quality assurance will be a major differentiating factor in the new corporate depository services coming to market.

Substitute Checks and Image Exchange

Check 21, which went into effect in October 2004, introduced a new negotiable instrument called a substitute check. A substitute check is a paper reproduction of the original check that includes electronically captured images of the front and back of the original check and a reproduction of the original MICR line. A bank of first deposit can create substitute checks from the original deposited paper checks and then truncate the original items. This bank can then electronically transmit check images and MICR line information to a locale near the paying bank, where substitute checks can be printed and presented for payment.

By setting the stage for image-based processing of paper checks, Check 21 also implicitly encourages image-embedded banks to enter into bilateral contractural agreements with each other to present checks by purely electronic means or in "image exchange". In the long run, banks will be able to clear checks more efficiently by eliminating physical transportation of the paper checks.

Check 21 Image Quality and Usability Standards

Image quality assurance is obviously a key aspect of Check 21. Under Check 21 regulations, a substitute check (or image replacement document) is considered the legal equivalent of the original check provided the substitute check accurately represents all of the information on the front and back of the original check at the time the original was truncated. Furthermore, the bank creating the substitute check (or the first bank that takes the substitute for deposit) must make certain that the image captured from the original check meets this legal equivalence requirement.

In establishing image exchange standards, the Financial Services Technology Consortium (FSTC) has been playing a leading role. The FSTC, of which Bank of America is a member, is made up of financial institutions, clearing houses, exchanges, and third-party service providers. In 2004, the FSTC launched an Image Quality and Usability Assurance Initiative to develop an interoperable set of terminology and metrics for check image exchange. In Phase I of this project, the FSTC identified 16 image defects that could result in a check image not being usable. These include such conditions as folded or torn document edge, excessive document skew, image too light, image too dark, image with horizontal streaks, and image out of focus. Such defects could affect the legibility and/or completeness of information digitally represented in a substitute check image. In Phase II of the project, the FSTC will establish image quality and usability metrics to be incorporated into the ANSI X9.100-180-2005 Specifications for Electronic Exchange of Check and Image Data. Phase II is scheduled to be completed in about 18 months.

Another key point to keep in mind is that current experience with imaging shows that most defective images are the fault of the source document (the original check) and are not caused by deficiencies in imaging technology. Checks with excessively dark or complex background patterns, intricate borders or logos, and other "noisy" design elements are more likely to result in unreadable images. Consequently financial institutions, check printers, and businesses that print their own checks need to promote the use of check designs that meet the image quality and usability requirements for image processing. The FSTC estimates that it will be 12-18 months before we see significant levels of image exchange check processing. That provides time for the gradual elimination of check stock designs that are not image friendly.

Image-Based Corporate Depository Services

Image-based corporate depository services enable a business that receives check payments to capture check images and MICR line information and make deposits electronically by sending that data to its bank. One form of this service employs a desktop scanner with imaging software. The operator scans each check, keys in the dollar amount, and validates that the MICR line information has been captured correctly. When the entire deposit has been imaged, the information is transmitted to the bank. The client's account is credited and the deposit is processed. Checks are cleared through the check clearing system using image replacement document processing or through the ACH using accounts receivable (ARC) check conversion for mailed consumer checks.

An electronic cash letter service for businesses - with in-house, image-based remittance processing operations - works in much the same way. Check images and MICR information captured by the corporate lockbox system are converted into image cash letter files that are transmitted directly to the bank. The bank credits the corporation's account and clears the deposited items through the check clearing system or the ACH.

For businesses that receive significant volumes of check payments, these new image depository solutions may provide major benefits, including faster deposit processing, accelerated funds availability, and earlier notification of returned items. In case of disputes, the business has electronic access to check images and can also securely store the original checks for a period of time before destroying them. With either the remote deposit or electronic cash letter service, the corporate customer assumes responsibility for the destruction of truncated checks within the mandated timeframes so that they can't be reintroduced into the check clearing system.

Evaluating Image Depository Services

Both remote deposit and electronic cash letter services obviously depend on image quality assurance and processing controls help to ensure that there are no problems in downstream clearing. Here's a checklist of some of the key image technology and processing issues to consider if you're thinking about moving to an image depository service:

  • Image quality assurance engine. Making sure that image quality is satisfactory before images enter the image-processing flow is the best way to ensure that there no problems downstream. Does your service provider offer a software solution for validating image quality as checks are being scanned or for validating images contained within an electronic cash letter file?
  • Check 21 compliance. As more banks become image-enabled, opportunities to clear checks via direct image exchange or substitute check presentment will grow. Can your service provider create files for image exchange that meet standards outlined by the FSTC? Is your service provider actively planning to enter into electronic check presentment agreements with other banks? Can your service provider create substitute check cash letters and deliver them to distributed print sites?
  • Automated check conversion decisioning. For consumer checks, check conversion is the fastest, most efficient clearing alternative. Does your proposed service include an automated system for determining if checks are eligible for check conversion and converting them into ACH transactions?
  • Deposit review. When preparing electronic deposits, you want to be sure that transactions and deposits balance. Does your service provider offer a deposit review function to balance items and total dollars, validate MICR line information, and verify deposit account numbers?
  • Transmission security. Security is paramount when sending deposits to the bank electronically. Does your proposed service make use of digital certificates or other security methods to better protect your transmissions and may ensure that deposit files are not altered in transit?

Focusing on the Image

At Bank of America, we're convinced that image technology will totally transform the way banks do business and the way businesses do their banking. Through our participation in the FSTC, we're fully committed to assisting in the development of image quality standards and supporting the new image depository services that are becoming available to corporate customers. Look for more information on image quality and usability parameters in future issues of IdeasLab.

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